Behind the scenes of ATL webcasts.

Written by David Jones

Nov 8, 2022

November 8, 2022

Regular readers will know that my fondness for virtual events knows no end. However, in 2023 I’ll put my aversion aside as we work closely with our good friends in LATAM to create regular webcasts for the Cardio-Renal community. 

 We’ve been running live Cardiology, Diabetes and Nephrology (CDN) at the Limits gatherings in Brazil for a few years and the most recent meeting in São Paulo during September enabled us to bring some great, internationally renowned speakers to the region with highly regarded live lectures from presenters such as Peter Libby, David Cherney, Bernard Gersh, Paul Friedman and Stephan Jacob. But as well as experiencing these experts in the live setting our local Chairs want to build a stronger and broader CDNATL community across the continent in parallel to the live event.

The clinic of tomorrow

And so, on the second Tuesday of each month, Led by Professor Andrei Sposto (of CAMPINAS, São Paulo) and Professor Derek Yellon (UCL, London) we’ll be broadcasting interviews with the world’s leading Cardiologists, Diabetologists and Nephrologists exclusively for a LATAM audience. Using their most recent publications as a starting point, our Chairs will host discussions which go beyond current discoveries to really understand their expectations about the shape of treatment in 3, 5 and 10 years time.

 Our events are supported by industry but supporters have absolutely no input into the choice of speakers or topics which are handled independently by our Chairs, and experience shows that the independent format is by far the most successful in terms of audience reception. In fact our recent pilot webcasts helped to confirm our expectations of what will be most appealing to our viewers and we’ll bring that experience to our LATAM audience with broadcasts starting on February 13th.  


Open Dialogue

But at the same time as building the new community we’ve realised we have huge volume of medical education material in our archives, not only reflecting the latest advances and opinions with our 2022 content, but also showing snapshots of groundbreaking discoveries as they happened over the past quarter of a century. From the very first Cardiology at the Limits meeting in Cape Town in 1998 our meetings has consistently attracted the world’s leading clinicians and basic scientists as speakers, and all of that content will be gradually uploaded to our shiny new Medical Education Hub ‘Open Dialogue’ over the next few months. In CDN, MS, Oncology and Cell Therapy we’ll showcase presentations from across the years and continents, from our good friends in the expert community.

 Open Dialogue will launch in early 2023 with fully independent medial education. We look forward to welcoming you on the journey with us. 


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